If you have unwanted hair on your face or body, laser hair removal could be the answer. Cellite Clinic are specialists in laser hair removal in Cardiff, Wales and the West.

Our latest MedioStar Next laser uses the diode laser technology to gently and efficiently remove hairs from any part of the body, virtually pain-free!

Choose Cellite Clinic for your hair removal treatment in Cardiff

If you are considering laser hair removal, it is crucial that you choose a qualified medical practitioner who is highly experienced in performing this treatment because of the risk of burning and scarring. The team at the Cellite Clinic has carried out thousands of laser hair removal in Cardiff over the last seventeen years. You are medically assessed by our medically-qualified staff, backed by our resident dermatologist, before a personalised treatment plan is drawn up. You can be sure that you are in safe hands with us.

Laser hair removal price

Prices start from £40 a session. Prices vary and are set according to size and location of the areas treated. Please call us for more details.

How does laser hair removal compare with electrolysis?

Electrolysis is a tedious, invasive and painful process which involves inserting needles into each hair follicle and delivering an electrical charge to destroy them one at a time. Electrolysis often requires years of treatment at regular intervals. Laser hair removal non-invasively treats hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. So in a few minutes, they can effectively treat an area which would take hours to treat with electrolysis.

What happens during laser hair removal?

A cool gel and a hand-held treatment unit are gently applied to the skin. Short bursts of light safely penetrate the skin and disable hundreds of hair follicles simultaneously. When the gel is removed, some of the hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area falls out within two weeks. Treatment takes around five minutes for the upper lip, whereas a back or both legs take 30 minutes.

Does it hurt?

Hair removal with our new MedioStar Next Laser is virtually pain-free. You may feel a mild sting or pinch, similar to the snap of a small rubber band. No local anaesthesia or pain medication is required. Generally people resume their normal activities right afterwards. Immediately afterwards, you may experience some short-term side effects such as slight reddening of the skin, increased sensitivity or mild local swelling, but this goes down within a couple of days.

What areas can be treated?

We can customise the laser hair removal treatment according to your hair and skin colour and texture. All areas can be treated including the chin, upper lip, cheeks, legs, arms, under arms and back – as well as sensitive areas like the nose, chest, breasts and bikini line. All skin types can be safely treated with our laser hair removal. Blond, grey and white hair cannot be treated.

How many hair removal treatments are required?

This varies depending upon your hair colour, thickness and the location on the body. We normally recommend at least 3-6 hair removal treatments, with intervals of 1-3 months between each hair removal treatment.

Treatment advice

It is important not to remove hair by plucking, tweezing, waxing or use of creams during the entire four weeks before treatment. This ensures that as many hair follicles as possible contain a hair and thus can be destroyed by the light.

Since tanning takes place by accumulation of pigment (melanin) in the skin, it is also important to avoid tanning (sun, solarium or self-tanning cream) before and during the treatment period. Otherwise your tanned skin will absorb more light energy during the treatment, which can make the treatment less effective and increase risk of skin burning.

People with very sensitive skin may benefit from using a soothing cream for a few days after treatment. It is also recommended to avoid fragrances, heat and to limit sun exposure plus using a sunscreen (min. SPF 30) for a few weeks following treatment.

What should I do next if I want MedioStar Next Laser Hair Removal?

It couldn’t be easier please call us on 02920 644 644 or Contact / email us to arrange a consultation in our Cardiff clinic.

If you have more questions we will be happy to call you back at a more convenient time.