Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis) is a very common condition that can affect men and women. It is embarrassing – it forces people to change their clothes every few hours, ruins fabrics and can affect business and personal relationships, as well as self confidence.

One simple and effective solution for excessive sweating is Botulinum Toxin (Botox®) injections. The treatment takes around 20 minutes and involves multiple small injections just under the skin. It can also be used to treat over-sweating in the palms of the hands.

What happens?

The injections are relatively painless feeling like a small sting. The anti-sweating treatment works by blocking the nerves in the underarm that control sweat glands.

When the sweat glands no longer receive chemical signals, sweating will diminish substantially within a few days. The results can last up to a year.

How much do over-sweating injections cost?

Price start from £450.

What should I do next if I want Excessive sweating treatment – Hyperhidrosis?

It couldn’t be easier please call us on 02920 644 644 or Contact / email us to arrange a consultation in our Cardiff clinic.

If you have more questions we will be happy to call you back at a more convenient time.